Companies That Prioritize Decarbonization Are Winning the Game

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Earlier this year, Forbes released a list of 100 "Net Zero Leaders" — companies like CBRE who are both "leading the transition to a low-carbon economy by 2050" and changing their business models to meet sustainability targets. Getting on a list like this — or striving to — isn't just about good PR. (Though that doesn't hurt either, of course.)

According to Forbes, more than 4000 companies representing 1/3 of the global economy’s market capitalization have already set net zero targets in an effort to offset their carbon emissions and slow the impact of climate change. 

Whether you're vying for a spot on next year's list or you're just beginning your corporate sustainability journey (or you're someplace in the middle), you're probably looking for ways to optimize your company's sustainability program or implement new and better strategies. Here at Altus Power we always say, you can't fix what you can't measure — and that couldn't be truer when it comes to improving the carbon footprint of your business. 

How much do you know about your company's energy usage today? How does your company's carbon footprint stack up against others in your industry? Have you set sustainability goals for your tenants, and if so, are they meeting them? Are you close to achieving global Paris targets? 

We designed Altus IQ so you can answer these questions and more. A comprehensive cloud-based energy insights platform, Altus IQ allows you to see your company's energy usage in real time and use those insights to reduce emissions and improve your carbon footprint across properties.

Measuring and acting on these goals can have a ripple effect on your business, as well — not only will you save money in the short and long term, but according to an analysis of studies by Morgan Stanley, “companies that adhered to social or environmental standards showed better operational performance” and enjoyed improved stock price performance as well. 

Maybe it’s because 70% of employees find that sustainability programs make employers more appealing. Or maybe it’s because companies that invest in sustainability also tend to invest in other needle-moving initiatives like diversity programs and better working conditions. 

Either way, the data couldn’t be clearer: companies that measure, act, and report on their power usage and carbon avoidance goals are winning the game — and getting noticed for it.

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